
What’s the story?

Sunday, January 8, 2006 by

Well, it’s got the most luridly ugly opening title sequence ever – and, get those fonts! They’re awful! That’s pretty much all I can remember at this distance from Friday’s debut of Morning Glory on C4.

A kind of breakfast show in the margins, really. Newspaper review: check. TV review: check. RI:SE mark II-cum-Big Breakfast-style whooping, unseen crew: check … You get the idea. Of course, Dermot O’Leary handles the whole thing with aplomb, but nothing here feels new. Throw in the inevitable Boyd Hilton bit (disgracefully hectoring for a daily gig over Dermot’s outro) and you get something which puts the “blah” in bland.

It’s breakfast TV that’s going through the motions, and insufficiently engaging to prevent the audience nipping off to the loo to do just the same, before leaving the house for the day.


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