Off The Telly » Noel’s HQ Contemporary and classic British TV Sat, 29 Oct 2011 16:07:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “I know I’m right” Fri, 13 Feb 2009 18:07:27 +0000 Ian Jones Someone needs to do some serious cosmic reordering on Noel Edmonds.

Apparently convinced that he is a kind of cross between Hughie Green and Oswald Mosley,  the man now thinks he and only he knows what is wrong with the country and therefore what needs to be done to put it right.

His manifesto appears to be as follows:

1) Anyone who dares re-edit footage of Noel’s HQ for repeat transmission has committed enough of a transgression for Noel to threaten to quit.

2) Anyone who works for a district council and, for whatever reason, rejects somebody’s application for a bungalow, stands open for a ear-bashing from a never-been-this-angry-before Noel, and should quit.

3) Britain is BROKEN and anyone who disagrees that Noel knows why it is broken should quit.

Noel Edmonds uber alles

'Do you know something?': Noel Edmonds uber alles

Edmonds jumped back over the shark with Deal or No Deal, then went the other way again around 18 months or so ago, when his harmless-demented ratio started tipping towards demented once more and his messianic tendencies resurfaced yet again. His behaviour on Noel’s HQ recalls the worst of Mark Thomas (haranguing a public sector footsoldier who knows nothing about and can do nothing about the ire being directed at them) coupled with the worst of Nicky Campbell on Watchdog and the worst of any number of rentagobs on Question Time.

Noel’s squandered all the goodwill he managed to contrive when Deal or No Deal began. All that’s left is for a garden gate ‘off the record’ stream of bile to the press and things will have gone full circle.

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