
“Are you smarter than a 10-year-old?”

Friday, August 10, 2007 by

According to this email I’ve just received, SRO Audiences are looking for punters to watch a new show:

“Hi there!

We thought that you may be interested to know that we are currently booking tickets for Dick & Dom’s’ new quiz show.


Hosted by Dick and Dom this brand new quiz show for all of the family gives grown ups the chance to win big cash if they can answer questions relating to subjects taught in school.

To make it easier, they get three cheats and 5 ten year-olds to help them as they work they way up to the big money prize!

Believe us, when you see what kids learn at school these days, they’ll need it!

It’s a perfect day out for the family during the school holidays, but Mums and Dads beware – this could show the kids whether you really are smarter than a 10 year old! The minimum age for attendance is 8 years and children under 16 should be accompanied by an adult.

If you would like to join us for this exciting and fun new quiz show at Elstree Studios for a morning, then apply now!

Given the Ask The Family remake debacle, let’s hope that this format is a better fit for the duo. The ticket ordering page is here, which also mentions the involvement of Noel Edmonds. Funny how his name wasn’t in the email.


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