
C4? Or seen it all B4?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 by

So, I’m back from the C4 autumn season launch, and I’m kind of not sure what the big story should be … if anything. I suppose the fact Dispatches are running a two-part plug for David Blunkett’s forthcoming memoirs has to take top billing. Other than that, there’s a new Footballers’ Wives with fucking-style drama in the shape of Goldplated, which Kevin Lygo (forever looking like a prep school bully-magnet) describes as “Dallas with depth”. A show so constructed to be a Radio Times “guilty pleasure” you can almost hear Alison Graham’s fingers twitching.

Other than that, there’s the long-mooted Longford (a drama exploring the relationship between the peer and Myra Hindley), and Low Winter Sun, a two-part drama that – bad language aside – looks like it could happily straddle Sunday and Monday nights on ITV1.

Funnies-wise, the main “narrative comedy” (sayeth Lygo) is Star Stories, which seems to be Rock Profile writ large.

I sound grumpy, don’t I? I’m not sure why. It’s not that the channel are springing a particularly useless line-up of stuff upon us, it’s just nothing here feels new. Didn’t C4 beat ITV1 outright in the viewing figures the other evening? Perhaps that’s not something to get excited about.


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