
Please, please don’t make this a red number

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 by

Deal or no Deal has indeed been recommissioned, but for what sounds like an entire year’s worth of episodes.

The Media Guardian puts its usual lazy spin on things – “anyone hoping that Noel Edmonds’ return to TV presenting would be short-lived, think again” – while simultanteously conceding how ratings are continuing to climb.

A further 12 months of the show is both tantalising and troubling. Tantalising because it’ll keep Noel on telly (and piss off the Media Guardian) and guarantee that sometime soon someone will win the quarter of a million; troubling as it sounds a bit too close to overkill. Back to back episodes all year round could turn a daily treat into a reluctant commitment, besides encouraging the programme-makers to tinker with the format. Is it wrong, though, to feel so precious about the show? No way! It’s the best new quiz on TV since Bob’s Full House.


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